
This website displays photos of Clay Center, Kansas. Most of the photos come from the Clay County Museum; some come from other sources, such as individuals. This website is maintained by Willis Boughton, CCCHS '67, and is dedicated to my parents.

This website was established in 2007 and would not have been possible without the help of museum director Cathy Haney. Cathy provided access to museum photos and, along with museum staff, provided supporting information. John Jensen made available his very extensive collection of photos and postcards and provided historical information. Dee and Ray Frigon made this website much more known and accessible by providing a link from their CCCHS alumni website.

If you have a correction to photo information or have a good quality photo of general interest -- downtown, Piotique, city parks, schools, major events, etc. -- please contact me by e-mail at You may send me scanned images or copy prints; I am listed in the CCCHS Alumni page of Information identifying the photos would be helpful, particularly date.

Margaret and Everett Boughton at the Rock Island RR Station, 1947